Hi Charlie,
I hope you are having a great day!
This is indeed a battle between good and evil, but it's not a battle between god and satan, as god and satan are the very same entity. God as the universal spirit doesn't take sides, and has no rival, as if he/she/it had a rival, then it would mean that he/she/it is not almighty.
The God that we are talked about in the Bible is a creation for control. Is not the creator of the Universe. That is where I think you and Charlie Ward have it wrong. The Bible has been manipulated.Jesus may have existed, yes, but it's still not clear if he was sent by the god of the Bible, as Jesus never said "Jehovah is my father", he always refers to his father as "my father", or "the father". If we base our victory in the Bible, we are going in the wrong direction imho. Why would that god ask to write a book when 99% of the people back then didn't know how to read? We are going to get out of this, but not with the help of the "god" (impostor) of the Bible or even Jesus. It's all on us alone. Thank you for taking the time to read my note.