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We are only in it for the money!

In 1968, Frank Zappa released an album that exposed society for what it is today...a controlling mechanism to turn our world UPSIDE DOWN...perhaps Chris Hedges expressed it the best when he said,

“We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.”

In the 50 years since its release, We're Only in it for the Money, has become even more topical; and with mediocrity the norm today, Zappa's genius has become a sad reminder of what we once aspired to. This book is a detailed examination of both the music and lyrics from this Album. I have painstakingly searched for and discovered the very heart and truth of this masterpiece. Zappa's message differed greatly from what society would have us believe. While Zappa exposed the phony hippies for what they truly were (America's youth distracted by the CIA's weaponized DRUG, LSD). The real culprit was Fascism, the seamless union between Corporations and Government for control over the masses. THIS was the primary message on “Money” and this true reality has only gotten worse since 1968. As such, there isn’t a more honest or important album to closely examine today, especially in light of our current reality where the Music Industry has all but killed off the Rock Album as a truthful and authentic art form. So purchase the book and reacquaint yourselves with this masterpiece, and embrace the wisdom, talents and genius that are Frank Zappa!

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